14 December 2021

Terms and Conditions


The services to be provided by the coach to the client are face-to-face or on-line-coaching, as agreed jointly with the client.

Coaching may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client’s life or profession. Other coaching services include value clarification, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, and examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests or suggestions for action.

Throughout the working relationship, the coach will engage in direct and personal conversations. The client understands that successful coaching requires a co-active collaborative approach between client and coach. In the coaching relationship, the coach plays the role of a facilitator of change, but it is the client’s responsibility to enact or bring about the change.

If the client believes the coaching is not working as desired, the client will communicate and take action to return the power to the coaching relationship.


The client can, at any point in the coaching session, declare his/her preference not to discuss a specific issue, by simply stating that they would rather not discuss this issue. The coach agrees to respect this boundary and will not attempt to forward the conversation further along those lines. 


The coach will work within professional ethics and guidelines. All information about the coach / client relationship will remain strictly confidential except in very rare circumstances where decreed by law; i.e. where the court might issue a subpoena for the file or information.

If you wish for me as your coach to speak to someone outside our interactions, then you need to give me written permission (original letter, fax or email) to do so. Exceptions to confidentiality of course relate to circumstances such as intent to seriously harm someone, child abuse etc. Otherwise, all your information is confidential. 


The coach and client agree to provide each other with two weeks’ notice in the event that it is desired to terminate coaching. Otherwise, the coaching will continue for the duration of the contracted period.


If you need to cancel an appointment, please provide at least 24 hours’ notice or unfortunately, it will be necessary to charge you for the appointment.